Expressions of Interest

Your Details
Name *
Address *
Phone *
Email *
What are you looking for?
Pet or Show?
Your Family
Number of adults
Number of children, include ages
Is there usually someone home during the day?
Do all members of the family want a puppy?
Are any family members allergic?
Who will be the primary carer for the puppy?
Do the adults have secure jobs / income?
Do you have a vet?
If you do, please provide the vet name & clinic
Do you have other pets? (Please list species, gender, age & neuter status.)
Your Environment
What is your residence?
Do you own or rent your residence?
Are you able to provide a letter from your landlord if you are renting?
How big is your yard?
What type and height of fencing do you have?
If you have a swimming pool, is it fenced?
Housing a Puppy
How will you be housing a puppy? (Yard, kennels, inside, outside, crate?)
Where will the puppy sleep at night or when you are not at home?
How will you be toilet training the puppy?
Who will look after the puppy / dog when you go on holidays?
What are your thoughts on crate training?
Rearing a Puppy
Have you considered the costs associated with raising and keeping a dog, including feeding, regular health and veterinary care, obedience or show classes, emergency surgery etc.?
What do you plan on feeding the puppy?
Do you plan to attend puppy school and / or obedience classes in your area?
If this puppy is purchased for any reason other than a show / breed prospect, do you agree to have it spayed or neutered at the age of our choosing and submit a veterinarian certificate as proof of surgery for our records?
If Things Don’t Go To Plan
What will happen to the puppy / dog if a serious family situation occurs? (Separation or divorce, moving house, moving overseas, loss of job or income)?
For Main Register (Show) Puppies ONLY
Have you completed any ANKC titles on other dogs?
Have you bred dogs before?
If you have bought other show puppies, please list from whom they were purchased and could these breeders be used as a reference?
If this is a show puppy will you be showing the dog yourself or hiring someone to show for you?
Where and how will the dog live?
Do you intend on cropping ears (if overseas)?
Our Relationship
Are you happy to remain in touch for the life of your puppy?
What would you want from us as breeders?
Notes or Questions
* Required fields